
Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees provides financial oversight. All budgets are approved and published on the Utah Public Finance Website Board members of the Audit Committee are currently Becky Slagowski and Tana Archer. In accordance with Utah Code Ann. Section 53G-7-309, the governing board receives a budget report each month. This budget report includes the following information: (i) the amounts of all budget appropriations; (ii) the disbursements from the appropriations as of the date of the report; and (iii) the percentage of the disbursements as of the date of the report. Monthly financial reports.

Sidney Warnick
Sidney Warnick
Board President
Term Expires June 2027
Jordan Shields
Jordan Shields
Board Vice President
Term Expires June 2026
Kammie LeFevre
Kammie LeFevre
Board Member
Term Expires June 2028
Bob Bell
Bob Bell
Board Member
Term Expires June 2028
Bob Bell
Bart Sloan
Board Member
Term Expires June 2028

2024-2025 Board Meetings

All Board Meetings will be held at North Star Academy (2920 W 14000 S,
Bluffdale, UT 84065) unless otherwise noted on the specific agenda.

NSA Board Meeting Times, Agendas, and Minutes

Financial Oversight

The board provides financial oversight and all budgets are approved and published here: North Star Academy Budget Reports. Board members of the Audit Committee are currently Becky Slagowski and Tana Archer. In accordance with Utah Code Ann. Section 53G-7-309, the governing board receives a budget report each month. This budget report includes the following information: (i) the amounts of all budget appropriations; (ii) the disbursements from the appropriations as of the date of the report; and (iii) the percentage of the disbursements as of the date of the report.

The current budget report is available for public review and previous reports are available by request to

Stakeholders may report concerns of fraud, waste, abuse, or non-compliance directly to the school administration or the governing board. Alternatively, stakeholders may report such concerns directly to the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) through the Public Education Hotline at (801) 538-7813. Full information is available on the Internal Audit website.

Audit Committee

  • Sidney Warnick

  • Becky Slagowski

  • Tana Archer

Board of Trustees Meetings

The Board of Directors holds regular and special Board Meetings. Public notices, agendas, minutes, and audio recordings are made available and posted on the Utah Public Notice website.

To request a written copy of minutes or an audio recording of an open meeting, please email your request to:

The Board also oversees school finances; approved budgets are posted on the Utah Public Finance website.

Stakeholders of North Star Academy may report financial concerns regarding fraud, waste, abuse, or non-compliance directly to the School in accordance with our Grievance Parent Policy and Grievance Staff Policy Alternatively, stakeholders may report such financial concerns to the Utah State Board of Education through their Public Education Hotline at (801) 538-7813. Full contact information for the Public Education Hotline can be found here.

Meeting agendas and minutes can be downloaded here in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF reader is required to view the files.

The public is welcome to attend any of North Star Academy's open meetings. At the discretion of the Board, typically at beginning of each open meeting, the public can provide comment. Each person will be given 3 minutes to provide feedback/comments to the board. This is not an open dialogue or a Q&A session. If you have questions to discuss, please contact the Board here.

*All Board Meeting dates are subject to change.